Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Timothy H. O'Sullivan

During my visit to The Art Institute of Chicago this weekend, I viewed an exhibit of photographs by Timothy H. O'Sullivan. He was the official photographer for the U.S. government survey expeditions through out the "wild west." In a number of photographs from this expedition, he has these amazing landscapes of untouched greatness and upon taking a closer look, you can see a teeny tiny little figure of a man.
These images resonated with me, to some degree I am trying to show the great expanse of nature using miniature figures and macro photography while he truly was showing the extremity and overwhelming scale of the natural world.

Sources: Image 1, Image 2, Image 3.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

What Goes Up

This video is right up the ally of what we were talking about in class yesterday. As artists, we have all of this technology within our reach, but it is our responsibility to learn how to use it to our advantage. I'd say this is a pretty good example.


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Mark Mawson

These images by Mark Mawson are absolutely insane...I want to stare at them for hours. Check him out.


Digital Broccoli

Digital Broccoli from Amy Schweizer on Vimeo.

In my digital culture class we had a dose of "digital broccoli" last week where we were introduced to the basics of animation. I'd say that we got some cheese with our broccoli. This is my attempt, it is an image I made and then cut into strips, playing with the movement of the photograph. Not sure where this would be going, but it was pretty fun! Please do not be too harsh...the video quality is quite lacking :(

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Sneak Peak

I've realized that I have not shared much (if any) of my work from this semester. It has been a bit of a struggle to find my feet and really get the inspirational juices flowing but I'm getting pretty excited about this group of images on which I am working. I'm channeling David Levinthal a little here, using small figures and shooting with macro. I'm still in the process of finding a strong concept of what these images mean, but I'm getting there.